Wednesday, 5 February 2014

In Patagonia

For part of my Spanish A-Level Unit 3 exam I have to write a case study on a geographical area, a piece of literature or a historical study - the 4th option I forgot as obviously I would go for the Geography option! It has to be a Spanish speaking region and I chose Patagonia. So I am spending a lot of time finding out about the region that is shared between the 'Cono Sur' Southern Cone countries, Argentina and Chile. It really is a drastic, beautiful area and is 'Man's struggles to tame wilderness'!
As a learning aid, I purchased this book by Bruce Chatwin - accounts from his Patagonian adventure. I have so far only read the introduction by Nicholas Shakespeare but it already is so interesting!

Oh yes, 10 days countdown till Valladolid! I found out yesterday I will be working in my selected area of Tourism and it will be great!

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